Process Explorer
We recommend installing and configuring it to replace Task Manager. This will make debugging significantly easier.
As of Puppet 2.7.x, messages from the puppetd
log file are available via the Windows Event Viewer (choose “Windows Logs” > “Application”). To enable debugging, stop the puppet service and restart it as:
c:\>sc stop puppet && sc start puppet --debug --trace
Puppet’s windows service component also writes to the windows.log
within the same log
directory and can be used to debug issues with the service.
Common Issues
The Puppet MSI package will not overwrite an existing entry in the puppet.conf file. As a result, if you uninstall the package, then reinstall the package using a different puppet master hostname, Puppet won’t actually apply the new value if the previous value still exists in \puppet.conf
In general, we’ve taken the approach of preserving configuration data on the system when doing an upgrade, uninstall or reinstall.
To fully clean out a system make sure to delete the and .
Similarly, the MSI will not overwrite the custom facts written to the PuppetLabs\facter\facts.d
Unattended installation
Puppet may fail to install when trying to perform an unattended install from the command line, e.g.
msiexec /qn /i puppet.msi
To get troubleshooting data, specify an installation log, e.g. /l*v install.txt
. Look in the log for entries like the following:
MSI (s) (7C:D0) [17:24:15:870]: Rejecting product '{D07C45E2-A53E-4D7B-844F-F8F608AFF7C8}': Non-assigned apps are disabled for non-admin users.MSI (s) (7C:D0) [17:24:15:870]: Note: 1: 1708MSI (s) (7C:D0) [17:24:15:870]: Product: Puppet -- Installation failed.MSI (s) (7C:D0) [17:24:15:870]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Puppet. Product Version: 2.7.12. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Puppet Labs. Installation success or error status: 1625.MSI (s) (7C:D0) [17:24:15:870]: MainEngineThread is returning 1625MSI (s) (7C:08) [17:24:15:870]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.Info 1625.This installation is forbidden by system policy. Contact your system administrator.
If you see entries like this you know you don’t have sufficient privileges to install puppet. Make sure to launch cmd.exe
with the Run as Administrator
option selected, and try again.
File Paths
Path Separator
Make sure to use a semi-colon (;) as the path separator on Windows, e.g., modulepath=path1;path2
File Separator
In most resource attributes, the Puppet language accepts either forward- or backslashes as the file separator. However, some attributes absolutely require forward slashes, and some attributes absolutely require backslashes. for more information.
When backslashes are double-quoted(“), they must be escaped. When single-quoted (‘), they may be escaped. For example, these are valid file resources:
file { 'c:\path\to\file.txt': }file { 'c:\\path\\to\\file.txt': }file { "c:\\path\\to\\file.txt": }
But this is an invalid path, because \p, \t, \f will be interpreted as escape sequences:
file { "c:\path\to\file.txt": }
UNC Paths
UNC paths are supported for package resources on Windows as of Puppet 2.7.12, using the typical \\servername\directory\package.msi
format. Support for UNC paths for file resources was added in Puppet 3.4.0.
Several resources are case-insensitive on Windows (file, user, group). When establishing dependencies among resources, make sure to specify the case consistently. Otherwise, puppet may not be able to resolve dependencies correctly. For example, applying the following manifest will fail, because puppet does not recognize that FOOBAR and foobar are the same user:
file { 'c:\foo\bar': ensure => directory, owner => 'FOOBAR'}user { 'foobar': ensure => present}...err: /Stage[main]//File[c:\foo\bar]: Could not evaluate: Could not find user FOOBAR
Puppet does not show diffs on Windows (e.g., puppet agent --show_diff
) unless a third-party diff utility has been installed (e.g., msys, gnudiff, cygwin, etc) and has been set appropriately.
Resource Errors and Quirks
When declaring a Windows exec resource, the path to the resource typically depends on the %WINDIR% environment variable. Since this may vary from system to system, you can use the path
fact in the exec resource:
exec { 'cmd.exe /c echo hello world': path => $::path}
Shell Builtins
Puppet does not currently support a shell provider on Windows, so executing shell builtins directly will fail:
exec { 'echo foo': path => 'c:\windows\system32;c:\windows'}...err: /Stage[main]//Exec[echo foo]/returns: change from notrun to 0 failed: Could not find command 'echo'
Instead, wrap the builtin in cmd.exe
exec { 'cmd.exe /c echo foo': path => 'c:\windows\system32;c:\windows'}
Or, better still, use the tip from above:
exec { 'cmd.exe /c echo foo': path => $::path}
By default, powershell enforces a restricted execution policy which prevents the execution of scripts. Consequently, make sure to specify the appropriate execution policy in the powershell command:
exec { 'test': command => 'powershell.exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -file C:\test.ps1', path => $::path}
The source of an MSI or EXE package must be a file on either a local filesystem, a network mapped drive, or a UNC path. It does not support URI-based sources, though you can achieve a similar result by defining a file whose source is the puppet master and then defining a package whose source is the local file.
Windows services support a short name and a display name. Make sure to use the short name in puppet manifests. For example use wuauserv
, not Automatic Updates
. You can use sc query
to get a list of services and their various names.
Error Messages
Error: Could not connect via HTTPS to / Unable to verify the SSL certificate / The certificate may not be signed by a valid CA / The CA bundle included with OpenSSL may not be valid or up to date
”This can occur when you run the
puppet module
subcommand on newly provisioned Windows nodes.The Puppet Forge uses an SSL certificate signed by the GeoTrust Global CA certificate. Newly provisioned Windows nodes may not have that CA in their root CA store yet.
To resolve this and enable the
puppet module
subcommand on Windows nodes, do one of the following:- Run Windows Update and fetch all available updates, then visit in your web browser. The web browser will notice that the GeoTrust CA is whitelisted for automatic download, and will add it to the root CA store.
- Download the “GeoTrust Global CA” certificate from and manually install it by running
certutil -addstore Root GeoTrust_Global_CA.pem
Service 'Puppet Agent' (puppet) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.
”This can occur when installing puppet on a UAC system from a non-elevated account. Although the installer displays the UAC prompt to install puppet, it does not elevate when trying to start the service. Make sure to run from an elevated
process when installing the MSI. -
Cannot run on Microsoft Windows without the sys-admin, win32-process, win32-dir, win32-service and win32-taskscheduler gems.
”Puppet requires the indicated Windows-specific gems, which can be installed using
gem install <gem>
err: /Stage[main]//Scheduled_task[task_system]: Could not evaluate: The operation completed successfully.
”This error can occur when using version < 0.2.1 of the win32-taskscheduler gem. Run
gem update win32-taskscheduler
err: /Stage[main]//Exec[C:/tmp/foo.exe]/returns: change from notrun to 0 failed: CreateProcess() failed: Access is denied.
”This error can occur when requesting an executable from a remote puppet master that cannot be executed. For a file to be executable on Windows, set the user/group executable bits accordingly on the puppet master (or alternatively, specify the mode of the file as it should exist on the Windows host):
file { "C:/tmp/foo.exe": source => "puppet:///modules/foo/foo.exe", } exec { 'C:/tmp/foo.exe': logoutput => true }
err: getaddrinfo: The storage control blocks were destroyed.
”This error can occur when the agent cannot resolve a DNS name into an IP address (for example the
, etc properties). To verify that there is a DNS issue, check that you can runnslookup <dns>
. If this fails, there is a problem with the DNS settings on the Windows agent (for example, the primary dns suffix is not set). SeeThis error can also occur if the reverse DNS entry for the agent is wrong.
err: /Stage[main]//Group[mygroup]/members: change from to Administrators failed: Add OLE error code:8007056B in <Unknown> <No Description> HRESULT error code:0x80020009 Exception occurred.
”This error will occur when attempting to add a group as a member of another local group, i.e. nesting groups. Although Active Directory supports for certain types of domain group accounts, Windows does not support nesting of local group accounts. As a result, you must only specify user accounts as members of a group.
err: /Stage[main]//Package[7zip]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Execution of 'msiexec.exe /qn /norestart /i "c:\\7z920.exe"' returned 1620: T h i s i n s t a l l a t i o n p a c k a g e c o u l d n o t b e o p e n e d . C o n t a c t t h e a p p l i c a t i o n v e n d o r t o v e r i f y t h a t t h i s i s a v a l i d W i n d o w s I n s t a l l e r p a c k a g e .
”This error can occur when attempting to install a non-MSI package on Puppet versions prior to 3.0. Puppet 2.7 and earlier only support MSI packages. To install non-MSI packages, use an exec resource with an
parameter or upgrade to Puppet 3 and use thewindows
package provider, which supports executable installers. -
err: Could not request certificate: The certificate retrieved from the master does not match the agent's private key.
”This error is usually a sign that the master has already issued a certificate to the agent. This can occur if the agent’s SSL directory is deleted after it has retrieved a certificate from the master, or when running the agent in two different security contexts. For example, running puppet agent as a service and then trying to run
puppet agent
from the command line with non-elevated security. Specifically, this would happen if you’ve selectedStart Command Prompt with Puppet
but did not elevate privileges usingRun as Administrator
. -
err: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s) puppet://
”This error will be generated when a Windows agent does a pluginsync from the Puppet master server, when the latter does not contain any plugins. Note that pluginsync is enabled by default on Windows. This is a known bug in 2.7.x, see .
err: Could not send report: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed. This is often because the time is out of sync on the server or client.
”Windows agents that are part of an Active Directory domain should automatically have their time synchronized with AD. For agents that are not part of an AD domain, you may need to enable and add the Windows time service manually:
w32tm /register net start w32time w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:
/syncfromflags:manual /update w32tm /resync -
err: You cannot service a running 64-bit operating system with a 32-bit version of DISM. Please use the version of DISM that corresponds to your computer's architecture.
”As described in the Installation Guide, 64-bit versions of windows will redirect all file system access from
instead. When attempting to configure Windows roles and features usingdism.exe
, make sure to use the 64-bit version. This can be done by executingc:\windows\sysnative\dism.exe
, which will prevent file system redirection. See -
“Error: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at ‘=’; expected ‘}’”
This error will usually occur if
puppet apply -e
is used from the command line and the supplied command is surrounded with single quotes (‘), which will causecmd.exe
to interpret any=>
in the command as a redirect. To solve this surround the command with double quotes (“) instead. See .
File (pre-3.4.0)
If the owner and/or group are specified in a file resource on Windows, the mode must also be specified. So this is okay:
file { 'c:/path/to/file.bat': ensure => present, owner => 'Administrator', group => 'Administrators', mode => 0770}
But this is not:
file { 'c:/path/to/file.bat': ensure => present, owner => 'Administrator', group => 'Adminstrators',}
The latter case will remove any permissions the Administrators group previously had to the file, resulting in the effective permissions of 0700. And since puppet runs as a service under the “SYSTEM” account, not “Administrator,” Puppet itself will not be able to manage the file the next time it runs!
To get out of this state, have Puppet execute the following (with an exec resource) to reset the file permissions:
takeown /f c:/path/to/file.bat && icacls c:/path/to/file.bat /reset 完全puppet执行cmd语句卸载安装msi软件包